Cairo Piecemakers

A few Saturdays past I was invited to hold a workshop for the Cairo Piecemakers, at, surprise, surprise, Cario, NY!  :)  
A great brunch of quilters from a beautiful little village in the Catskill Mountains of New York State.

The quilters decided to make patterns from my “Over East” series.  I’m always amazed at how much they get done in a 6 hour workshop, (AND that includes lunchtime!)

The members who joined in for that day were – Debra, Maureen, Hilda, Dolores B., Ann, Cathy, Laura, Mac, Dolores C., Pat and Marilyn!

And here they are . . . .

Cairo Workshop Oct 2011

And did I mention that they brought a pot-luck luncheon?   Yummy!!!

Lunch time, Oct 2011 

Thank you Cairo Piecemakers!