The Shop Ladies

They’re here!  I’m so excited to offer these little Ladies to quilters, AND the apron was a last minute add on.  I’m thinking that it will be a BIG hit, especially since aprons seem to be an ‘in’ thing with quilters recently.

Anyway, I’m half way through the marketing process for the Shop Ladies; first part was to have them available to quilters via the website.  NOW I’ve got to get more Quilt Shop owners interested.  Good thing I’m working full-time at home now, it’s much easier handling certain tasks during the day like meeting and talking to shop owners and others. 

So The Shop Ladies are here! With an apron pattern, and I’m also playing around with a shopping bag idea, another biggie with quilters.  Yea, that’s definitely something else I could do with these Ladies.  OK I convinced myself, time to get out my sketch pad!

Be sure to check back on this one! 🙂