I am a very fortunate person; I have Stuffers and Testers!
I can’t imagine anyone other than FRIENDS taking on these jobs, but that’s just what my Quilter friends do for me, and I appreciate every single one of them!
This morning they "Stuffed" patterns into the clear hanging bags; ten minutes and over 20 dozen patterns were packaged! And of course, my friends were also the ones that "Tested" the patterns before they went to the printers! VERY necessary, let me tell you! What would I do without them?
Anyway, you guessed it! The Shop Lady patterns are here! The ones that my friends have stuffed and tested. (By the way girls, I’ve got tons more to ‘stuff’.
Now comes the marketing; I’m thinking of trying SEVERAL approaches for the Shop Ladies. Of course there are the local quilt shops, and then there’s mass emailing to quilt shops, and signing with distributors, etc., etc. So . . . . . check back, you’ll be seeing them soon!