a few weeks back I headed southwest to the village of Esperance for another great class at the Quilt Bug! Kris (owner) just got in a large shipment of Halloween fabric – I think she’s a Halloween junkie, it’s the largest collection of prints I’ve ever seen for that holiday! It’s actually one of my favorite holidays too, I just might have to design a pattern for some “Halloween Ladies”, But that’s for another time. Let’s get back to the workshop. One quilter made “Over East”, one made “Mud Season” and the third worked on making the Holiday Ladies. The quilters did a great job, and here they are . . . .
First up is Martha with her Mud Season . . . She amazed herself with how much she got done in two days! As you can see, all the “critters” are in place. Martha made Holsteins (black & white cows)since that is what she had on her farm while growing up!
Next is Nancy with “Over East” She made this for a family member who loves the seashore. Nancy said that she’s ready for “Up North” next time. This was her first time at “free motion quilting” and she decided that she LIKES it! Go Nancy!
And another successful class with happy quilters!