A Notion to Quilt – the Bag Ladies

As I’ve stated many times – I LOVE teaching the Bag Lady classes!  Just yesterday I spent a fun time in Shelburne Falls, MA (the village known as the bridge of flowers), at one of my very favorite quilt shops ever!  A Notion to Quilt is the shop, and it’s located just south of the village along Rt2, the Mohawk Trail.  If you’re ever in the area, do yourself a favor and be sure to stop in.  There are rooms and rooms of fabrics, hundreds of books and patterns, many classrooms, the largest selection of notions ever, and on and on!  Can you tell that I love this shop?

Anyway, on to the Bag Ladies.  There were eight quilters for my class, and just like any other bag class, the fabric selections were GREAT! All colors of the rainbow were represented.

The first four up are . . . .
MaryEllen, Kathy, Sue & Sue


And the next four are . . . .
Sally, Tammy, Lill & Vicky


Thank you “Bag Ladies”  for a wonderful day!